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Collagen is known as the main structural protein found in skin and other connective tissues. It makes up 80% of the of the organ known as skin.

Collagen is essential in giving the skin its elasticity and longevity.  It also makes the skin look fuller, plumper, smoother and more youthful.  Collagen is often used topically in skincare to help moisturize the skin and provide a more youthful glow. 

Collagen can also be injected into the skin to create a fuller and more plump response in the effort to achieve a more supple and youthful appearance.  Collagen tends to be safer to inject than other synthetic ingredients as it is naturally made from the body in the middle layer of the skins dermis.

Example of Collagen in a sentence
I use a collagen supplement in my coffee to help provide elasticity to my skin.

cartilage, bones, connective tissue